get to know us

Originally from Madrid, Victoria Scott settled in Monte Carlo in 2008. She quickly realised that this was a suitable meeting place to promote the gastronomy and wines of Spain. In 2011 she launched Luxibérica and organised her first wine fair “Vinos Ibéricos” in Monte Carlo. This was a great success and formidable experience and was the start of her close working relationship with the Monégasque Sommeliers Association (ASM).

Today, Luxibérica also organises salons and master classes for Spanish food and wines tastings for both professional and private clients to promote Spanish companies, chefs and authentic produce. We also participate in the important international gastronomic events that take place in Monaco and on the Côte d’Azur.

Our logo symbolises the mythical capital Atlantis, which is believed to have been located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. The 3 circles symbolise the successful interaction of people and projects and the synergy created by mutual objectives.